Honor Club – Your Pathway to the Future. Honor Club is a program to recognize outstanding junior high and senior 4-H members. Honor Club members are those who have shown outstanding 4-H work in project areas, have shared their knowledge with other 4-H members and have been in 4-H for at least three years. You do not win membership in Honor Club, you earn it. You don’t have to win anything. You just have to be a good 4-H member, follow through with your 4-H work and be willing to share your knowledge with fellow 4-H members as a 4-H junior leader. You have three years as a junior high member to achieve Honor Club recognition.
And what if you earn Honor Club? Then what? This when the fun begins. You’ll be a part of a club with members just like you; 4-H members who are doers and want to get involved with their friends in 4-H activities. As an Honor Club member, you will receive a certificate of membership and become eligible for an Honor Club key. The key will have a 5th H – which stands for Honor. In most counties, Honor Club meets as a countywide club on a monthly or quarterly basis. Honor Club members become involved in educational, recreational and community service activities. Activities can include helping with 4-H shows, fairs and workshops; serving as project leaders; attending weekend camps; special trips or tours; dances and parties. Honor Club members might be involved in bike-a-thons, tree plantings, Christmas caroling and hiking trips, just to name a few activities. All in all, Honor Club is an honor and can be everything you want to make it.
Honor Club is only the first step in Tennessee’s recognition program for outstanding 4-H members. When you become a senior 4-H member, you can earn the title of a 4-H All Star. This again is not won, but earned through your citizenship work. 4-H All Stars is the second step leading to the final step of recognition, Vol State. Vol State is the highest recognition a Tennessee 4-H member can earn, and it all starts with Honor Club.